Friday, 25 September 2015


Social Action and Community Media

-To bring about local, national or global change
-To change attitudes
-To raise awareness
-To create access to media production for non traditional groups
-To challenge dominant representations and agendas 
-To create or strengthen community ties
-To provide information
-To campaign (work in organised and active way towards a goal)
-To change voting behaviour
-To infiltrate mainstream media
-To build relationships with subjects


Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To raise awareness and to show people the local change

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-To campaign and to help people build relationships with the homeless. Also have included making packs for the homeless to show the impact of such a small idea such as giving someone a toothbrush to meaning lots to the people who are suffering from being homeless. It is also making the audience perceive homeless people in different manners as they are including information about some of them actually having jobs and also touching on she sensitive stories that the homeless have gone through.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-They have included people talking about domestic violence in order to make the audience realise that it is not just people who are not earning money that are homeless it can in fact be sufferers of domestic abuse and any other form of abuse/violence which has led them to have to leave their house in order to feel safe and more protected even if that means they are left on the street homeless.

Food for thought

Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To change attitudes
-To create or strengthen community ties

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-It is trying to make the public aware that little independents that have being well for years and years are starting to get pushed aside due to rent going up and bigger companies and chains moving in. The main focus is on the topic of greed. Making the public aware that before all the new shops or banks there were shops there before them which have now been closed down.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-They have used emotional techniques such as talking about prices. The lady stated about if they wanted to stay there they would have to increase their prices which would cut out many of their customers which she said she would rather close the shop then lose out on customers that have supported them for years. 

The controller 

Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To challenge dominant representations and agendas 

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-Creating awareness on bullying and abuse that goes on at home and also raise awareness of how video games can effect people badly. Connecting back to the first video this could be evidence of how some people may become homeless.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-Real life situations that may happen to people of our age groups?

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