Friday, 25 September 2015

Analysing interview technique

-name of interviewer
-context (role and importance of interview)
-purpose of interview (e.g research, enhancement of audience understanding, informative, expressing opinion, holding to account justification, emotional appeal to audience
-question types (closed, open, single, multiple, direct, suggestive)
-structure (intro, developmental questions, confidence-building, sound bites, summary)
-communication skills-building rapport, active, listening, body language, telephone techniques, to obtain comments or gather information.

-Krishnan Guru-murthy richard ayade

The context of the interview was formal as it was being published on Channel 4 news. Juxtaposing the fact that it is a formal interview there are elements throughout the whole interview of informalities. The host and interviewer called Krishnan Guru-Murthy found out towards the beginning of the interview that Richard Ayade who was the interviewee did not like interviews and soon turned the interview round to himself asking Krishnan Guru-Murthy the questions instead creating humorous elements throughout the duration of the interview.

The purpose of the interview was to talk to Richard Ayade about what he does and to also promote his work and his new book. It was supposed to be an informative interview and to expand the knowledge of the audience about Richard Ayade.

The question types varied at the beginning but towards the middle and end the questions changed. In the beginning Krishnan Guru-Murthy took the lead of asking the questions and introducing what they would be talking about as he was the interviewer but it soon changed when Richard Ayade started replying to the questions asked to him with another question back to the interviewer. So his answer would be a question. The questions asked by the interviewer varied from open to closed but were mostly open and direct. This is what created the humorous effect on the interview and what maybe made it stand out from other interviews normally watched.

The structure of the interview definitely held formal elements throughout the whole thing although Richard Ayade brought elements of informality and humour to the interview.

kony 2012

Kony 2012 response 

The purpose of the campaign was primarily to raise awareness about Joseph Kony in order to get the US government to commit to locating and arresting him.  Joseph Kony is a rebel leader who has for 20 years abducted children in his quest to raise an army of boys, forced to kill others and their own families, whilst girls are raped and vilified and treated as sex slaves.  The campaign begins with the meeting of one American man and a African boy called Jacob, a victim of this monstrosity.  The American man whose name is Jason Russell, was touched by Jacobs story and begun a revolution to change the face of not only the issues surrounding Joseph Kony and his rebel mission but also the way that media can be used as a tool to change the world.

The effectiveness of the documentary is extraordinary and this is for several reasons.  Firstly it is based not only upon a true and emotionally touching issue and story but he also uses the plight of one individual boy that the viewer can then relate to on a personal level.  The documentary shows powerfully upsetting imagery that is often unseen in the media and touches a raw nerve.  It singles out the perpetrator as an invisible entity and makes you want to join the cause in finding him.  It touches on all of the disgusting facts that are relevant as a result of this one rebel.  It cleverly lets you know that the government were initially not able to help and then lets you watch as a powerful entity of people come together and begin a change and start a process of government turn around.  Then just at the right part of the film we see that organisations are born, 'the invisible children' and the 'TRI' and 'Kony 2012'.  There is a place therefore to pledge money, a charity organisation, a group that you as the viewer want to be part of.  They use a logo to great effect.  Music is used to heighten the emotion of the documentary.  There is a brilliant use of film and news footage to grasp your attention and keep you up to speed on the current state of affairs (at that time).  The use of celebrity endorsement was perfect in relating the young to a cause that was shared with important and familiar people.  Then the film gives you deadlines, a date to remember, this is well used to push for action and make things seem imminent and with urgency.  The film makes you care.  It feels like a revolution that you want to be part of and not just because you want Joseph Kony caught but because you want to be part of something great, something important and something that will change history.

My personal feelings about the documentary is that is was very poignant.  It made me want cry.  It caused an emotional response and I thought it got the point across with great affect.   I was driven to sign up, pledge money, join in.  It created a feeling that made me want to be part of it, part of finding this invisible rebel and getting him arrested.  I think that the film was genius.  It was perfectly put together and left no stone unturned in its quest to create a following, a worldwide following.  It has used the media to its full benefit and I hope that as a result their aim is met.  As soon as the docu had finished I found myself googling Joseph Kony to see if he had been arrested since.  I will now never forget his name.


Social Action and Community Media

-To bring about local, national or global change
-To change attitudes
-To raise awareness
-To create access to media production for non traditional groups
-To challenge dominant representations and agendas 
-To create or strengthen community ties
-To provide information
-To campaign (work in organised and active way towards a goal)
-To change voting behaviour
-To infiltrate mainstream media
-To build relationships with subjects


Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To raise awareness and to show people the local change

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-To campaign and to help people build relationships with the homeless. Also have included making packs for the homeless to show the impact of such a small idea such as giving someone a toothbrush to meaning lots to the people who are suffering from being homeless. It is also making the audience perceive homeless people in different manners as they are including information about some of them actually having jobs and also touching on she sensitive stories that the homeless have gone through.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-They have included people talking about domestic violence in order to make the audience realise that it is not just people who are not earning money that are homeless it can in fact be sufferers of domestic abuse and any other form of abuse/violence which has led them to have to leave their house in order to feel safe and more protected even if that means they are left on the street homeless.

Food for thought

Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To change attitudes
-To create or strengthen community ties

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-It is trying to make the public aware that little independents that have being well for years and years are starting to get pushed aside due to rent going up and bigger companies and chains moving in. The main focus is on the topic of greed. Making the public aware that before all the new shops or banks there were shops there before them which have now been closed down.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-They have used emotional techniques such as talking about prices. The lady stated about if they wanted to stay there they would have to increase their prices which would cut out many of their customers which she said she would rather close the shop then lose out on customers that have supported them for years. 

The controller 

Which of the list of purposes apply?
-To challenge dominant representations and agendas 

What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do?
-Creating awareness on bullying and abuse that goes on at home and also raise awareness of how video games can effect people badly. Connecting back to the first video this could be evidence of how some people may become homeless.

What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why?
-Real life situations that may happen to people of our age groups?